Transportation Pre-Reg. Deadline Now June 30 - if you don’t register; you will not have a stop designated to you!!There is no requirement to pay at the time of registration, and there is no financial penalty if you register for bus service and cancel before the cancellation deadline of September 30, 2020.

Transportation Pre-Reg. Deadline Now June 30  - if you don’t register; you will not have a stop designated to you!!

As we prepare for re-entry in September and make plans that include health guidelines and physical distancing requirements for busing, it is critical that families pre-register for transportation service as soon as possible.
The transportation pre-registration deadline has been extended to June 30, 2020.

Transportation pre-registration deadline extended

Due to the impact of COVID-19 on our system and families, the transportation pre-registration deadline has been extended to June 30, 2020. This year, routes will not be publicly posted on our website as adhering to COVID-19 guidelines means we will have to assign each student to a bus and a bus stop.
Reasons to pre-register:
• If families do not pre-register for transportation service prior to the end of June, their address will not be included as bus routes are planned meaning no transportation will be available. Only registered students will receive stop information for their primary address.  It may take several weeks to add a student to a route in the fall, and congregated stop locations are only reviewed once per year. As a result, your stop location may be much further away from your home, as your address was not included in the route planning.
• The use of a ZPass ridership card is mandatory to assist in contact tracing, and only registered riders are provided a ZPass ridership card.  Families may request a replacement card through their PowerSchool Parent Account.  (If you child still has their bus pass from last year, please keep it and attach it to their backpack for the first day of school).  If you have lost your card, please order a new one by June 30 to request a new one!.  If you have never used school bus services, please note that the cards will delivered to the school in the Fall.
• There is no requirement to pay at the time of registration, and there is no financial penalty if you register for bus service and cancel before the cancellation deadline of September 30, 2020.
Thank you so much for completing these tasks in a timely manner to set us up for success in the Fall.

Sample Work From Home Schedule

Sample Work From Home Schedule